We have been talking about the “Trip to Chihuahua” for months & while the numbers had dwindled & the initial plan of going by train had been nixed, the time was now upon us & we were excited about the week ahead. The PLAN – meet with Emanuel church at 4 AM, pack up the vans & leave, drive 12 hrs to Chihuahua City, arrive early, stay overnight & the kids are on their way the 3 hrs to camp early Tues. REALITY – no brakes in our van, will travel together in their “new” van, left late, no AC, van troubles, overnight in Hermosillo, still van troubles, rent a van, left late, arrived in Chihuahua late & at camp ½ way through the week. Often we don’t really know why God changes our plans, but how comforting to know that He’s in control. As we trusted God, we were able to enjoy our little adventure together & come home encouraged. Here’s the story. It all started with discovering the brakes in the SC van needed fixing & a “new” van purchase by Emanuel church....
I now have 10 years living in Mexico. At first, when everything was new, this blog was to record my observations about my new surroundings, experiences & culture. I’ve decided to revive the blog because I still like those old posts & reading them has reminded me to keep alive that spirit of learning, curiosity & appreciation. While there may not be as many new things, there are still stories to tell, lessons to share & memories to cherish.