The clanking of metal bouncing over pavement caused me to brake, move from left to right & make a sudden stop on the shoulder of the newly widened Mexican highway. As I prepared to get out of the car to check on the cause of the noise, one meter didn’t feel like a particularly safe space between me & the cars whizzing by. But then continuing on wasn’t really an option either. So, I said a quick prayer, took a deep breath & hopped out. Well, that distressing noise was the result of the decorative bar across the bottom of the car coming loose at the back end, driver’s side, traffic side. Every time I bent over to check how I was going to fix it, another car or semi caused me to question the sanity of what I was doing. My prayer was short & to the point, not panicked but with a concern that comes when one is alone on a Mexican highway with no obvious solution to the problem. “Please send someone to help me. And please ...
I now have 10 years living in Mexico. At first, when everything was new, this blog was to record my observations about my new surroundings, experiences & culture. I’ve decided to revive the blog because I still like those old posts & reading them has reminded me to keep alive that spirit of learning, curiosity & appreciation. While there may not be as many new things, there are still stories to tell, lessons to share & memories to cherish.