There’s an iguana living in the wall next to my trailer. This one is about a foot & 1/2 long & apparently he has a friend in the yard that’s twice his length – haven’t seen him yet. He was out sun tanning yesterday. He must be shy - he disappeared the moment I made some noise. I think he’ll be a good neighbour – he's quiet & although he's genrally a vegetarian, I'm hoping he eats bugs! I had a humming bird outside my door today. I think they like the bugambilia bushes in the yard. There’s something about being out of the city, I guess because between here & Banamichi I’ve seen several kinds of birds – vultures, humming birds, cardinals, doves & a colorful unidentified bird. Makes me want to get a bird feeder! I think I’ve seen more horses in the last 3 weeks than I have in the last 30 years! There are 5 that hang out around here all the time (and I thought the gates were for security!) I’m not sure if they are wild or free range, and I’m...
I now have 10 years living in Mexico. At first, when everything was new, this blog was to record my observations about my new surroundings, experiences & culture. I’ve decided to revive the blog because I still like those old posts & reading them has reminded me to keep alive that spirit of learning, curiosity & appreciation. While there may not be as many new things, there are still stories to tell, lessons to share & memories to cherish.