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Did I move here at a good time!! I’m rather spoiled with all the fruit trees in the yard – mandarins, grapefruit, lemons, limes, oranges, cumquats, pomegranate &, guava. The mandarins & grapefruit were ripe when I arrived, so daily I’ve been able to pick & eat! Oh & I’ve had limonada, fresh orange juice & homemade cumquat marmalade.

I think my eating habits my need to change – for several reasons. First, what I eat. Food that was common for me in Canada is often hard to find here & when you do, it’s expensive! I paid $1.70 for a tin of mushroom soup – not going to do that very often! Second – when I eat. Meals at the school for example are at 8 AM, 1:30 PM & 7 PM & the big meal is in the middle of the day. And of course meal times also affect when one goes to shop or visit or where the workers are early afternoon.

Going to the local taco or hotdog stand is rather common, especially on the weekend. Pascual, who is tiling the casita here, has a hotdog stand Friday & Saturday night right in his front yard. 2 weeks ago we went for hotdogs, stuffed chiles & a visit (& bought a drink at the store next door). Delicious! And the neighbourhood seems to think so too.

There’s a couple big stores in Guaymas (Ley, Sorianna & Walmart on the way), but I also like the little shops in San Carlos. Santa Rosa has most anything, but if you have time & want an adventure, you can stop at a bunch of specialty shops – Tony’s for veggies, the carnaceria for meat, the panaderia next to the hotdog stand for bread, & the tortillaria for yes, tortillas – and Oxxo for snacks. And if you’re in the right place at the right time, someone will have something you can buy on the street. The other day it was asparagus & little pies.


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