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Pelican Cove

So, I woke up to find a stray pelican in my yard the other day.  I snapped a few pictures, excited that he was so close then discovered that while he seemed to be cautious of me, he wasn’t flying away but instead was trying to crawl under the fence.  Hmm, I soon became concerned that he was hurt but really had no idea how to help.  All I knew was that I didn’t want him to crawl under the fence where he was because I knew he would get stuck & it seemed his only way to freedom was another gap in the fence further along.  I discovered that my presence seemed to create more anxiety & confusion for him & I soon found myself back in the house cheering him on to find the gap.  “Keep going, you can do it!  No, don’t go back to where you were!  Ok, that’s good, that’s the way.  Don’t give up!  You’re almost there!  Okay, that’s it, go through that opening.  I know it doesn’t look easy, but it’s the only way.  Yay – you did it!  You’re free!” 

I wonder if this is often what happens when we get trapped in sin.  God wants for us to live in freedom & knows where the hole to freedom is (in repentance), but it’s always about choice; He doesn’t lasso us & drag us there by force.  See, most often even when we are hurting, we want our own way & don’t respond well to force.  So, He allows us to discover for ourselves that we are in fact caged in & need to get out.  In our wandering we see freedom, we long for it & try various ways to get there.  The way out has always been there but sometimes it takes time to actually see it & choose to go through it.  All the while, our Lord is watching over us, cheering us on to victory.

Yes, my pelican friend did find the gap in the fence & squeezed his way out.  And as soon as he was on the other side, it was like he had a new found confidence & courage in his freedom.  He hopped to the water & floated away in peace.  I watched till I couldn’t see him anymore, wondering what would happen to him.  It wasn’t going to be easy, freedom didn’t suddenly heal him or give him the ability to fly again.  But I have renewed confidence that the Lord cares for you & me & the pelicans, too!


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