I wonder if this is often what happens when we get
trapped in sin. God wants for us to live
in freedom & knows where the hole to freedom is (in repentance), but it’s
always about choice; He doesn’t lasso us & drag us there by force. See, most often even when we are hurting, we
want our own way & don’t respond well to force. So, He allows us to discover for ourselves
that we are in fact caged in & need to get out. In our wandering we see freedom, we long for
it & try various ways to get there. The
way out has always been there but sometimes it takes time to actually see it
& choose to go through it. All the
while, our Lord is watching over us, cheering us on to victory.
Yes, my pelican friend did find the gap in the fence
& squeezed his way out. And as soon
as he was on the other side, it was like he had a new found confidence &
courage in his freedom. He hopped to the
water & floated away in peace. I
watched till I couldn’t see him anymore, wondering what would happen to him. It wasn’t going to be easy, freedom didn’t
suddenly heal him or give him the ability to fly again. But I have renewed confidence that the Lord
cares for you & me & the pelicans, too!
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