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I found Rice Krispies! What does that have to do with chocolate, you may ask? Well, last time I lived in Mexico, I had to make Rice Krispies Squares with pink & white marshmallows & Choco Krispies (yes, chocolate).

Now I have a couple recipes with chocolate chips - I’ve searched high & low around here for chocolate chips, but have only found them in Walmart in Hermosillo. So, in my search for chocolate chips or a reasonable substitute, I’ve discovered there’s no lack of chocolate, I just can’t limit my search to the usual sources. I’ve seen a few chocolate bars at the stores – few enough that it should be easy to choose. Peanuts & cajeta seem to be popular fillings. The store up the street keeps them in the cooler – I can imagine they would melt on the shelf most of the year in these little unair-conditioned stores. I even found a few imports like Peanut Butter Cups, Fererro Roche & Oreos. There’s Powdered Cocoa, Chokis (cookies), & the occasional cake mix and you can order a mocha & chocolate cake at the local coffee shop. Oh – and I was served a special treat for my birthday – mole – chicken cooked in a chocolate gravy.

It seems that chocolate is not a snack, but rather a breakfast food! Go down the cereal aisle & you will find as many varieties of chocolate cereal as any “regular” cereal – Choco Krispies, Choco Flakes, Choco Puffs, Choco Dyno Bites, Choco Max, Choco Ronis, Choco Nubis, Choco Pebbles, Choco Drops, Choco Zucaritas, Choco Rice, Choco Boiltas. There’s Granola, Stars & All Bran, Sabor Chocolate...and my latest discovery – Chocolate Pancake Mix.

Chocolate lovers, it’s time to come visit!


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